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Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society

The Memoirs of the AMS series is devoted to the publication of research in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. The Memoirs is designed particularly to publish long papers or groups of cognate papers in book form, and is under the supervision of the Editorial Committee of the AMS journal Transactions of the AMS.

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Volume 296

Number Title
MEMO/1481 Local Lipschitz Continuity in the Initial Value and Strong Completeness for Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations - Sonja Cox, Martin Hutzenthaler and Arnulf Jentzen
MEMO/1480 Almost Sure Scattering for the One Dimensional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation - Nicolas Burq and Laurent Thomann
MEMO/1479 Mixed Hodge Structures on Alexander Modules - Eva Elduque, Christian Geske, Moisés Herradón Cueto, Laurenţiu George Maxim and Botong Wang
MEMO/1478 Transition Threshold for the 3D Couette Flow in a Finite Channel - Qi Chen, Dongyi Wei and Zhifei Zhang
MEMO/1477 Towers and the First-order Theories of Hyperbolic Groups - Vincent Guirardel, Gilbert Levitt and Rizos Sklinos
MEMO/1476 Higher Airy Structures, $\mathcal {W}$ Algebras and Topological Recursion - Gaëtan Borot, Vincent Bouchard, Nitin K. Chidambaram, Thomas Creutzig and Dmitry Noshchenko
MEMO/1475 Littlewood and Duffin–Schaeffer-Type Problems in Diophantine Approximation - Sam Chow and Niclas Technau

Volume 295

Number Title
MEMO/1474 Hamiltonian Lie algebroids - Christian Blohmann and Alan Weinstein
MEMO/1473 Harmonic Analysis and Gamma Functions on Symplectic Groups - Dihua Jiang, Zhilin Luo and Lei Zhang
MEMO/1472 Tensor Categories for Vertex Operator Superalgebra Extensions - Thomas Creutzig, Shashank Kanade and Robert McRae
MEMO/1471 Quasi-Periodic Traveling Waves on an Infinitely Deep Perfect Fluid Under Gravity - Roberto Feola and Filippo Giuliani
MEMO/1470 Curvature Blow-up in Doubly-warped Product Metrics Evolving by Ricci Flow - Maxwell Stolarski
MEMO/1469 Dehn Fillings of Knot Manifolds Containing Essential Twice-Punctured Tori - Steve Boyer, Cameron McA. Gordon and Xingru Zhang

Volume 294

Number Title
MEMO/1468 A Multiplicative Tate Spectral Sequence for Compact Lie Group Actions - Alice Hedenlund and John Rognes
MEMO/1467 Optimal Feedback for Stochastic Linear Quadratic Control and Backward Stochastic Riccati Equations in Infinite Dimensions - Qi Lü and Xu Zhang
MEMO/1466 Multiplicity-free Representations of Algebraic Groups - Martin W. Liebeck, Gary M. Seitz and Donna M. Testerman
MEMO/1465 Groups, Graphs, and Hypergraphs: Average Sizes of Kernels of Generic Matrices with Support Constraints - Tobias Rossmann and Christopher Voll
MEMO/1464 Kinetic Theory for the Low-Density Lorentz Gas - Jens Marklof and Andreas Strömbergsson

Volume 293

Number Title
MEMO/1463 $p$-DG Cyclotomic nilHecke Algebras II - You Qi and Joshua Sussan
MEMO/1462 $p$-DG Cyclotomic nilHecke Algebras - Mikhail Khovanov, You Qi and Joshua Sussan
MEMO/1461 Classification of $\mathcal O_\infty$-Stable $C^\ast$-Algebras - James Gabe
MEMO/1460 Empirical Measures, Geodesic Lengths, and a Variational Formula in First-Passage Percolation - Erik Bates
MEMO/1459 Semi-Infinite Highest Weight Categories - Jonathan Brundan and Catharina Stroppel
MEMO/1458 Angled Crested Like Water Waves with Surface Tension II: Zero Surface Tension Limit - Siddhant Agrawal
MEMO/1457 Milliken’s Tree Theorem and Its Applications: A Computability-Theoretic Perspective - Paul-Elliot Anglès d’Auriac, Peter A. Cholak, Damir D. Dzhafarov, Benoît Monin and Ludovic Patey