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< 91Fxx | 91-XX | >
91-XX Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences
91Gxx Actuarial science and mathematical finance {For statistics, see 62P05}
91G05   Actuarial mathematics
91G10   Portfolio theory
91G15   Financial markets
91G20   Derivative securities (option pricing, hedging, etc.)
91G30   Interest rates, asset pricing, etc. (stochastic models)
91G40   Credit risk
91G45   Financial networks (including contagion, systemic risk, regulation)
91G50   Corporate finance (dividends, real options, etc.)
91G60   Numerical methods (including Monte Carlo methods)
91G70   Statistical methods; risk measures [See also 62P05, 62P20]
91G80   Financial applications of other theories [See also 35Q91, 37N40, 49N90, 60J70, 60K10, 60H30, 93E20]
91G99   None of the above, but in this section
< 91Fxx | 91-XX | >
American Mathematical Society