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< 82Dxx | 82-XX | >
82-XX Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
82Mxx Basic methods in statistical mechanics [See also 65-XX]
82M10   Finite element, Galerkin and related methods applied to problems in statistical mechanics
82M12   Finite volume methods applied to problems in statistical mechanics
82M15   Boundary element methods applied to problems in statistical mechanics
82M20   Finite difference methods applied to problems in statistical mechanics
82M22   Spectral, collocation and related (meshless) methods applied to problems in statistical mechanics
82M30   Variational methods applied to problems in statistical mechanics
82M31   Monte Carlo methods applied to problems in statistical mechanics [See also 65C05]
82M36   Computational density functional analysis in statistical mechanics
82M37   Computational molecular dynamics in statistical mechanics
82M60   Stochastic analysis in statistical mechanics [See also 65C35]
82M99   None of the above, but in this section
< 82Dxx | 82-XX | >
American Mathematical Society