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< 18Gxx | 18-XX | 18Nxx >
18-XX Category theory; homological algebra {For commutative rings, see 13Dxx; for associative rings, see 16Exx; for groups, see 20Jxx; for topological groups and related structures, see 57Txx; for algebraic topology, see also 55Nxx, 55Uxx}
18Mxx Monoidal categories and operads
18M05   Monoidal categories, symmetric monoidal categories [See also 19D23]
18M10   Traced monoidal categories, compact closed categories, star-autonomous categories
18M15   Braided monoidal categories and ribbon categories {For applications to knot theory, see also 57Kxx; for applications to quantum groups, see also 16T20, 17B37, 81R50}
18M20   Fusion categories, modular tensor categories, modular functors {For applications to topological quantum field theories, see also 57R56; for applications to conformal field theories, see also 81T40}
18M25   Tannakian categories {For applications to motives, see also 14C15, 19E15}
18M30   String diagrams and graphical calculi
18M35   Categories of networks and processes, compositionality
18M40   Dagger categories, categorical quantum mechanics [See also 81P68]
18M45   Categorical aspects of linear logic [See also 03B47]
18M50   Bimonoidal, skew-monoidal, duoidal categories
18M60   Operads (general)
18M65   Non-symmetric operads, multicategories, generalized multicategories
18M70   Algebraic operads, cooperads, and Koszul duality
18M75   Topological and simplicial operads [See also 18N60]
18M80   Species, Hopf monoids, operads in combinatorics
18M85   Polycategories/dioperads, properads, PROPs, cyclic operads, modular operads
18M90   Globular operads
18M99   None of the above, but in this section
< 18Gxx | 18-XX | 18Nxx >
American Mathematical Society