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< 81Rxx | 81-XX | 81Txx >
81-XX Quantum theory
81Sxx General quantum mechanics and problems of quantization
81S05   Commutation relations and statistics as related to quantum mechanics (general)
81S10   Geometry and quantization, symplectic methods [See also 53D50]
81S20   Stochastic quantization
81S22   Open systems, reduced dynamics, master equations, decoherence [See also 82C31]
81S25   Quantum stochastic calculus
81S30   Phase-space methods including Wigner distributions, etc. applied to problems in quantum mechanics
81S40   Path integrals in quantum mechanics [See also 58D30, 81Q30, 81T18]
81S99   None of the above, but in this section
< 81Rxx | 81-XX | 81Txx >
American Mathematical Society