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< 28-XX | Up | 31-XX >
30-XX Functions of a complex variable
30-00   General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to functions of a complex variable
30-01   Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to functions of a complex variable
30-02   Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to functions of a complex variable
30-03   History of functions of a complex variable [Consider also classification numbers from Section 01-XX]
30-04   Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to functions of a complex variable
30-06   Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to functions of a complex variable
30Axx General properties of functions of one complex variable
30Bxx Series expansions of functions of one complex variable
30Cxx Geometric function theory
30Dxx Entire and meromorphic functions of one complex variable, and related topics
30Exx Miscellaneous topics of analysis in the complex plane
30Fxx Riemann surfaces
30Gxx Generalized function theory
30Hxx Spaces and algebras of analytic functions of one complex variable
30Jxx Function theory on the disc
30Kxx Universal holomorphic functions of one complex variable
30Lxx Analysis on metric spaces
< 28-XX | Up | 31-XX >
American Mathematical Society