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< 20Lxx | 20-XX | 20Nxx >
20-XX Group theory and generalizations
20Mxx Semigroups
20M05   Free semigroups, generators and relations, word problems [See also 03D40, 08A50, 20F10]
20M07   Varieties and pseudovarieties of semigroups
20M10   General structure theory for semigroups
20M11   Radical theory for semigroups
20M12   Ideal theory for semigroups
20M13   Arithmetic theory of semigroups
20M14   Commutative semigroups
20M15   Mappings of semigroups
20M17   Regular semigroups
20M18   Inverse semigroups
20M19   Orthodox semigroups
20M20   Semigroups of transformations, relations, partitions, etc. [See also 47D03, 47H20, 54H15]
20M25   Semigroup rings, multiplicative semigroups of rings [See also 16S36, 16Y60]
20M30   Representation of semigroups; actions of semigroups on sets
20M32   Algebraic monoids
20M35   Semigroups in automata theory, linguistics, etc. [See also 03D05, 68Q70, 68T50]
20M50   Connections of semigroups with homological algebra and category theory
20M99   None of the above, but in this section
< 20Lxx | 20-XX | 20Nxx >
American Mathematical Society