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< 08-XX | Up | 12-XX >
11-XX Number theory
11-00   General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to number theory
11-01   Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to number theory
11-02   Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to number theory
11-03   History of number theory [Consider also classification numbers from Section 01-XX]
11-04   Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to number theory
11-06   Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to number theory
11Axx Elementary number theory {For analogues in number fields, see 11R04}
11Bxx Sequences and sets
11Cxx Polynomials and matrices
11Dxx Diophantine equations [See also 11Gxx, 14Gxx]
11Exx Forms and linear algebraic groups [See also 19Gxx] {For quadratic forms in linear algebra, see 15A63}
11Fxx Discontinuous groups and automorphic forms [See also 11R39, 11S37, 14Gxx, 14Kxx, 22E50, 22E55, 30F35, 32Nxx] {For relations with quadratic forms, see 11E45}
11Gxx Arithmetic algebraic geometry (Diophantine geometry) [See also 11Dxx, 14Gxx, 14Kxx]
11Hxx Geometry of numbers {For applications in coding theory, see 94B75}
11Jxx Diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory [See also 11K60]
11Kxx Probabilistic theory: distribution modulo $1$; metric theory of algorithms
11Lxx Exponential sums and character sums {For finite fields, see~11Txx}
11Mxx Zeta and $L$-functions: analytic theory
11Nxx Multiplicative number theory
11Pxx Additive number theory; partitions
11Rxx Algebraic number theory: global fields {For complex multiplication, see 11G15}
11Sxx Algebraic number theory: local fields
11Txx Finite fields and commutative rings (number-theoretic aspects)
11Uxx Connections of number theory and logic
11Yxx Computational number theory {For software etc., see~11-04} [See also 68W30]
11Zxx Miscellaneous applications of number theory
< 08-XX | Up | 12-XX >
American Mathematical Society