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< 81Rxx | 81-XX | 81Txx >
81-XX Quantum theory
81Sxx General quantum mechanics and problems of quantization
81S05   Commutation relations and statistics as related to quantum mechanics (general)
81S07   Uncertainty relations, also entropic
81S08   Canonical quantization
81S10   Geometry and quantization, symplectic methods [See also 53D50]
81S20   Stochastic quantization
81S22   Open systems, reduced dynamics, master equations, decoherence [See also 82C31]
81S25   Quantum stochastic calculus
81S30   Phase-space methods including Wigner distributions, etc. applied to problems in quantum mechanics
81S40   Path integrals in quantum mechanics [See also 58D30, 81Q30, 81T18]
81S99   None of the above, but in this section
< 81Rxx | 81-XX | 81Txx >
American Mathematical Society