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< 70Jxx | 70-XX | 70Lxx >
70-XX Mechanics of particles and systems {For relativistic mechanics, see 83A05, 83C10; for statistical mechanics, see 82-XX}
70Kxx Nonlinear dynamics in mechanics [See also 34Cxx, 37-XX]
70K05   Phase plane analysis, limit cycles for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K20   Stability for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K25   Free motions for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K28   Parametric resonances for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K30   Nonlinear resonances for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K40   Forced motions for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K42   Equilibria and periodic trajectories for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K43   Quasi-periodic motions and invariant tori for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K44   Homoclinic and heteroclinic trajectories for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K45   Normal forms for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K50   Bifurcations and instability for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K55   Transition to stochasticity (chaotic behavior) for nonlinear problems in mechanics [See also 37D45]
70K60   General perturbation schemes for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K65   Averaging of perturbations for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K70   Systems with slow and fast motions for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K75   Nonlinear modes
70K99   None of the above, but in this section
< 70Jxx | 70-XX | 70Lxx >
American Mathematical Society