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< 60Hxx | 60-XX | 60Kxx >
60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes {For additional applications, see 05Cxx, 11Kxx, 34-XX, 35-XX, 62-XX, 76-XX, 81-XX, 82-XX, 90-XX, 91-XX, 92-XX, 93-XX, 94-XX}
60Jxx Markov processes
60J05   Discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces
60J10   Markov chains (discrete-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces)
60J20   Applications of Markov chains and discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces (social mobility, learning theory, industrial processes, etc.) [See also 90B30, 91D10, 91E40]
60J22   Computational methods in Markov chains [See also 65C40]
60J25   Continuous-time Markov processes on general state spaces
60J27   Continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces
60J28   Applications of continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces
60J35   Transition functions, generators and resolvents [See also 47D03, 47D07]
60J40   Right processes
60J45   Probabilistic potential theory [See also 31Cxx, 31D05]
60J46   Dirichlet form methods in Markov processes
60J50   Boundary theory for Markov processes
60J55   Local time and additive functionals
60J57   Multiplicative functionals and Markov processes
60J60   Diffusion processes [See also 58J65]
60J65   Brownian motion [See also 58J65]
60J67   Stochastic (Schramm-)Loewner evolution (SLE)
60J68   Superprocesses
60J70   Applications of Brownian motions and diffusion theory (population genetics, absorption problems, etc.) [See also 92Dxx]
60J74   Jump processes on discrete state spaces
60J76   Jump processes on general state spaces
60J80   Branching processes (Galton-Watson, birth-and-death, etc.)
60J85   Applications of branching processes [See also 92Dxx]
60J90   Coalescent processes
60J95   Applications of coalescent processes [See also 92Dxx]
60J99   None of the above, but in this section
< 60Hxx | 60-XX | 60Kxx >
American Mathematical Society