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Mathematical Challenges Registration Fees & Categories

Registration Fees

  by July 10 at meeting
Member of AMS, CMS, MAA, SIAM $155 $202
Nonmember $240 $312
Temporarily Employed $115 $127
Emeritus Member of AMS or MAA $35 $45
Graduate Student $35 $45
Unemployed $35 $45
Librarian $35 $45
High School Teacher $35 $45
Developing Countries Special Rate $35 $45
Undergraduate Student $20 $26
High School Student $ 2 $ 5
One Day Member (AMS, CMS, MAA, SIAM) n/a $111
One Day Nonmember n/a $172
Special 3 day registration-Member $85 $132
Special 3 day registration-Nonmember $132 $204
Nonmathematican Guest $ 5 $ 5

Registration Categories

Full-Time Students: Those currently working toward a degree or diploma. Students are asked to determine whether their status can be described as graduate (working toward a degree beyond the bachelor's), undergraduate (working toward a bachelor's degree), or high school (working toward a high school diploma) and to mark the Advance Registration/Housing Form accordingly.

Emeritus: Persons who qualify for emeritus membership in either Society. The emeritus status refers to any person who has been a member of the AMS for twenty years or more and who retired because of age or long-term disability from his or her latest position.

Librarian: Any librarian who is not a professional mathematician.

Unemployed: Any person currently unemployed, actively seeking employment, and not a student. It is not intended to include any person who has voluntarily resigned or retired from his or her latest position.

Developing Country Participant: Any person employed in developing countries where salary levels are radically noncommensurate with those in the U.S.

Temporarily Employed: Any person currently employed but who will become unemployed by June 1, 2000, and who is actively seeking employment.

Nonmathematican Guest: A registered participant may request a nonmathematician guest badge for a spouse, guest, or child. We request that all mathematicians register in a scientific category.

Deadlines Exhibits August 2000
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Last Updated: 04 APR 00
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