Long gaps between primes

By Kevin Ford, Ben Green, Sergei Konyagin, James Maynard, and Terence Tao


Let denote the th prime. We prove that

for sufficiently large , improving upon recent bounds of the first, second, third, and fifth authors and of the fourth author. Our main new ingredient is a generalization of a hypergraph covering theorem of Pippenger and Spencer, proven using the Rödl nibble method.

1. Introduction

Let denote the prime, and let

It is clear from the prime number theorem that

as the average gap between the prime numbers which are is . In 1931, Westzynthius Reference 46 proved that infinitely often, the gap between consecutive prime numbers can be an arbitrarily large multiple of the average gap, that is, as , improving upon prior results of Backlund Reference 2 and Brauer-Zeitz Reference 5. Moreover, he proved the quantitative bound⁠Footnote1


As usual in the subject, , , and so on. The conventions for asymptotic notation such as and will be defined in Section 2.

In 1935 Erdős Reference 11 sharpened this to

and in 1938 Rankin Reference 40 made a subsequent improvement

with . The constant was increased several times: to by Schönhage Reference 43, then to by Rankin Reference 41, to by Maier and Pomerance Reference 32, and, most recently, to by Pintz Reference 36.

Recently, in two independent papers Reference 13Reference 35, the authors lshowed that could be taken to be arbitrarily large, answering in the affirmative a long-standing conjecture of Erdős Reference 12. The methods of proof in Reference 13 and Reference 35 both introduced estimates on primes in very short arithmetic progressions, but these differed in some key aspects. The arguments in Reference 13 used recent results Reference 21Reference 22Reference 23 on the number of solutions to linear equations in primes, whereas the arguments in Reference 35 instead relied on multidimensional prime-detecting sieves introduced in Reference 33. Our main theorem is the following quantitative improvement.

Theorem 1 (Large prime gaps).

For any sufficiently large , one has

The implied constant is effective.

Our overall approach combines ideas from the two previous papers Reference 13Reference 35. There are two key ingredients which allow us to obtain the quantitative improvement. First, we incorporate a uniform version of the multidimensional sieve approach as worked out in Reference 34, which gives a quantitative improvement to the underlying estimates about primes. Second, we prove a generalization of a hypergraph covering theorem of Pippenger and Spencer Reference 37, which allows for an essentially optimal means of translating such estimates into a result on large gaps between primes. It is this covering theorem which is the key new ingredient in our work and may be of independent interest.

All approaches which obtain quantitative improvements beyond the average bound have used a sieving argument which is conjectured to be unable to produce a result stronger than . Moreover, in light of the essentially optimal bounds in our covering theorem for this problem and the current limitations of the multidimensional sieve estimates, Theorem 1 appears to be the strongest result one can hope to prove without improvements toward the Hardy-Littlewood prime -tuples conjecture, or a radically new approach.

In a sequel Reference 15 to this paper, a subset of the authors will extend the above theorem to also cover chains of consecutive large gaps between primes, by combining the methods in this paper with the Maier matrix method. In view of this, we have written some of the key propositions in this paper in slightly more generality than is strictly necessary to prove Theorem 1, as the more general versions of these results will be useful in the sequel Reference 15.

The results and methods of this paper have also subsequently been applied by Maier and Rassias Reference 31 (extending the method of the first author, Heath-Brown, and the third author Reference 14) to obtain large prime gaps (of the order of that in Theorem 1) that contain a perfect power of a prime for a fixed , and by Baker and Freiberg Reference 3 to obtain lower bounds on the density of limit points of prime gaps normalized by any function that grows slightly more slowly than the one in Theorem 1. We refer the interested reader to these papers for further details.

1.1. Historical background

Based on a probabilistic model of primes, Cramér Reference 8 conjectured that

Granville Reference 20 offered a refinement of Cramér’s model and has conjectured that the above is in fact at least . These conjectures are well beyond the reach of our methods. Cramér’s model also predicts that the normalized prime gaps should have exponential distribution, that is, for about primes , for any fixed . Numerical evidence from prime calculations up to Reference 44 matches this prediction quite closely, with the exception of values of close to , for which there are very little data available. In fact, , slightly below the predictions of Cramér and Granville.

Unconditional upper bounds for are far from the conjectured truth, the best being and due to Baker, Harman, and Pintz Reference 4. Even the Riemann hypothesis⁠Footnote2 furnishes only the bound Reference 7.


Some slight improvements are available if one also assumes some form of the pair correlation conjecture; see Reference 26.

All works on lower bounds for have followed a similar overall plan of attack: they show that there are at least consecutive integers in , each of which has a “very small” prime factor. To describe the results, we make the following definition.

Definition 1.

Let be a positive integer. Define to be the largest integer for which one may select residue classes , one for each prime , which together “sieve out” (cover) the whole interval . Equivalently, is the largest integer so that there are consecutive integers, each with a factor in common with .

The relation between this function and gaps between primes is encoded in the following simple lemma.

Lemma 1.1.

Write for the product of the primes less than or equal to . Then


Set , and select residue classes , one for each prime , which cover . By the Chinese remainder theorem there is some , , with for all primes . We claim that all of the numbers are composite, which means that there is a gap of length amongst the primes less than , thereby concluding the proof of the lemma. To prove the claim, suppose that . Then there is some such that , and hence ; thus divides . Since , is indeed composite.

By the prime number theorem we have . Thus the bound of Lemma 1.1 implies that

as . In particular, Theorem 1 is a consequence of the bound

which we will establish later in this paper. This improves on the bound obtained by Rankin Reference 40.

The function is intimately related to Jacobsthal’s function . If is a positive integer, then is defined to be the maximal gap between integers coprime to . In particular is the maximal gap between numbers free of prime factors , or equivalently plus the longest string of consecutive integers, each divisible by some prime . The Chinese remainder theorem construction given in the proof of Lemma 1.1 in fact proves that

This observation, together with results in the literature, gives upper bounds for . The best upper bound known is , which comes from Iwaniec’s work Reference 28 on Jacobsthal’s function. It is conjectured by Maier and Pomerance that in fact . This places a serious (albeit conjectural) upper bound on how large gaps between primes we can hope to find via lower bounds for : a bound in the region of , far from Cramér’s conjecture, appears to be the absolute limit of such an approach.

The lower bound on certain values of Jacobsthal’s function provided by Equation 1.1, Equation 1.2 can be inserted directly into Reference 39, Theorem 1 to obtain a lower bound for the maximum over of , the least prime in the arithmetic progression , in the case when the modulus has no small prime factors. We have the following corollary.

Corollary 1.

For any natural number , let denote the maximum value of over all coprime to . Suppose that has no prime factors less than or equal to for some . Then, if is sufficiently large (in order to make , positive), one has the lower bound


Apply [36, Theorem 1] with if and with if .

In view of Reference 39, Theorem 3, one may also expect to be able to prove a lower bound of the form

for a set of natural numbers of density , but we were unable to find a quick way to establish this from the results in this paper.⁠Footnote3


Inequality Equation 1.3 has recently been established by Li, Pratt, and Shakan Reference 30 for every positive integer except those with more than prime factors, fixed.

1.2. Method of proof

Our methods here are a combination of those in our previous papers Reference 13Reference 35, which are in turn based in part on arguments in earlier papers, particularly those of Rankin Reference 40 and Maier-Pomerance Reference 32. In order to make the lower bound in Theorem 1 as efficient as possible, we combine these ideas with a generalization of some arguments of Pippenger and Spencer Reference 37.

As noted above, to prove Theorem 1, it suffices to sieve out an interval by residue classes for each prime , where . Actually, it is permissible to have survivors in that are not sieved out by these residue classes, since one can easily eliminate such survivors by increasing by a constant multiplicative factor. Also, for minor technical reasons, it is convenient to sieve out rather than .

Following Reference 13, we will sieve out by the residue classes for both very small primes () and medium primes (between and ). The survivors of this process are essentially the set of primes between and . After this initial sieving, the next stage will be to randomly sieve out residue classes for small primes (between and ). (This approach differs slightly from the approach taken in Reference 35 and earlier papers, in which a fixed residue class is used for all small (and very small) primes instead.) This cuts down the set of primes to a smaller set , whose cardinality is typically on the order of . The remaining task is then to select integers for each prime between and , such that the residue classes cut down to a set of survivors of size .

Assuming optimistically that one can ensure that the different residue classes largely remove disjoint sets from , we are led to the need to select the integers so that each contains about of the primes in . In Reference 13, the approach taken was to use recent results on linear equations in primes Reference 21Reference 22Reference 23 to locate arithmetic progressions consisting entirely of primes for some suitable , and then to take . Unfortunately, due to various sources of ineffectivity in the known results on linear equations in primes, this method only works when is fixed or growing extremely slowly in , whereas here we would need to take of the order of . To get around this difficulty, we use instead the methods from Reference 35, which are based on the multidimensional sieve methods introduced in Reference 33 to obtain bounded intervals with many primes. A routine modification of these methods gives tuples which contain primes, for suitable large ; in fact, by using the calculations in Reference 34, one can take as large as for some small absolute constant (e.g. ), so that the residue class is guaranteed to capture primes in .

There is, however, a difficulty due to the overlap between the residue classes . In both of the previous papers Reference 13Reference 35, the residue classes were selected randomly and independently of each other, but this led to a slight inefficiency in the sieving: with each residue class containing approximately primes, probabilistic heuristics suggest that one would have needed the original survivor set to have a size about rather than if one is to arrive at after the final sieving process. This ultimately leads to the bound

as worked out in unpublished work of the fourth author—an additional loss of compared to Theorem 1.

To avoid this difficulty, we use some ideas from the literature on efficient hypergraph covering. Of particular relevance is the work of Pippenger and Spencer Reference 37 in which it is shown that whenever one has a large hypergraph which is uniform both in the sense of edges having constant cardinality and also in the sense of the degrees being close to constant in , one can efficiently cover most of by almost disjoint edges in . Unfortunately, the results in Reference 37 are not directly applicable for a number of technical reasons, the most serious of which is that the analogous hypergraph in this case (in which the vertices are the sifted set and the edges are sets of the form for various ) does not have edges of constant cardinality. However, by modifying the “Rödl nibble” or “semi-random” method used to prove the Pippenger-Spencer theorem, we are able to obtain a generalization of that theorem in which the edges are permitted to have variable cardinality. This generalization is purely combinatorial in nature and may be of independent interest beyond the application here to large prime gaps.

We will make a series of reductions to prove Theorem 1. To aid the reader, we summarize the chain of implications below, indicating in which section each implication or theorem is proven (above or below), and in which section one may find a statement of each theorem (in parentheses),

The deduction of Theorem 1 from Theorem 2 is easy and codifies the reduction of the problem to that of finding residue classes for primes in which cover all the primes in with exceptions. Theorem 5, proved using the sieve methods from Reference 34, postulates the existence of a weight function with certain average properties. It implies the existence of residue classes for primes , each containing many primes of , and moreover that each prime is covered by about the same number of these congruence classes . These properties are quantified in Theorem 4. Showing that Theorem 4 implies Theorem 2, i.e. that there exist choices for which efficiently cover most of the primes in , is accomplished with our new hypergraph covering tool. The fundamental result is Theorem 3, which is written in a very general form and is consequently rather long to state. Corollary 4 is a somewhat shorter version specialized for our purposes.

For ease of reading, we have endeavored to separate the combinatorial arguments of Sections 4, 5, and 6 from the number theoretic arguments of Sections 7 and 8. Indeed, a reader only interested in our hypergraph covering result Theorem 3 can read Sections 4 and 5 as a stand-alone paper. A reader only interested in the number theoretic part of Theorem 1 can just read Sections 7 and 8 provided they are willing to assume the reduction of Theorem 2 to Theorem 5. The deduction of Theorem 2 from the purely combinatorial Corollary 4 and the purely number theoretic Theorem 5 is performed in the second half of Section 4 and in Section 6, and does not require reading the more specialized Section 5, 7, or 8.

2. Notational conventions

In most of the paper, will denote an asymptotic parameter going to infinity, with many quantities allowed to depend on . The symbol will stand for a quantity tending to zero as . The same convention applies to the asymptotic notation , which means . We use , , and to denote the claim that there is a constant such that throughout the domain of the quantity . We adopt the convention that is independent of any parameter unless such dependence is indicated, e.g. by subscript such as . In all of our estimates here, the constant will be effective (we will not rely on ineffective results such as Siegel’s theorem). If we can take the implied constant to equal , we write instead. Thus for instance

is synonymous with

Finally, we use synonymously with .

When summing or taking products over the symbol , it is understood that is restricted to be prime.

Given a modulus and an integer , we use to denote the congruence class of in .

Given a set , we use to denote its indicator function, and thus is equal to when and zero otherwise. Similarly, if is an event or statement, we use to denote the indicator, equal to when is true and otherwise. Thus for instance is synonymous with .

We use to denote the cardinality of , and for any positive real , we let denote the set of natural numbers up to .

Our arguments will rely heavily on the probabilistic method. Our random variables will mostly be discrete (in the sense that they take at most countably many values), although we will occasionally use some continuous random variables (e.g. independent real numbers sampled uniformly from the unit interval ). As such, the usual measure-theoretic caveats such as “absolutely integrable,” “measurable,” or “almost surely” can largely be ignored by the reader in the discussion below. We will use boldface symbols such as or to denote random variables (and non-boldface symbols such as or to denote deterministic counterparts of these variables). Vector-valued random variables will be denoted in arrowed boldface, e.g. might denote a random tuple of random variables indexed by some index set .

We write for probability, and for expectation. If takes at most countably many values, we define the essential range of to be the set of all such that is non-zero, and thus almost surely takes values in its essential range. We also employ the following conditional expectation notation. If is an event of non-zero probability, we write

for any event , and

for any (absolutely integrable) real-valued random variable . If is another random variable taking at most countably many values, we define the conditional probability to be the random variable that equals on the event for each in the essential range of , and similarly we define the conditional expectation to be the random variable that equals on the event . We observe the idempotency property

whenever is absolutely integrable and takes at most countably many values.

We will make frequent use of the basic inequalities of Markov

and Chebyshev

The latter implies, when the variance is small, that a random variable is highly concentrated.

Lemma 2.1.

Suppose that for some and we have

Then, for any we have


We first derive an upper bound on the variance

Then, using Equation 2.3, we obtain

We also require Hoeffding’s inequality (see e.g. Reference 16, Theorem 7.20).

Lemma 2.2.

Let be independent random variables with and almost surely for each . Then, for any real ,

3. Sieving a set of primes

We begin by using a variant of the Westzynthius-Erdős-Rankin method to reduce this problem to a problem of sieving a set of primes in , rather than integers in .

Given a large real number , define

where is a certain (small) fixed positive constant. Also let

and introduce the three disjoint sets of primes

For residue classes and , define the sifted sets

and likewise

We then have the following theorem.

Theorem 2 (Sieving primes).

Let be sufficiently large, and suppose that obeys Equation 3.1. Then there are vectors and , such that

We prove Theorem 2 in subsequent sections. Here, we show how this theorem implies Equation 1.1, and hence Theorem 1.

Let and be as in Theorem 2. We extend the tuple to a tuple of congruence classes for all primes by setting for and for , and consider the sifted set

The elements of , by construction, are not divisible by any prime in or in . Thus, each element either must be a -smooth number (i.e. a number with all prime factors at most ) or must consist of a prime greater than , possibly multiplied by some additional primes that are all at least . However, from Equation 3.1 we know that . Thus, we see that an element of is either a -smooth number or a prime in . In the second case, the element lies in . Conversely, every element of lies in . Thus, only differs from by a set consisting of -smooth numbers in .

To estimate , let

so from Equation 3.1, Equation 3.2 one has . By standard counts for smooth numbers (e.g. de Bruijn’s theorem Reference 6) and Equation 3.1, we thus have

Thus, we find that .

Next, let be a sufficiently large constant such that is less than the number of primes in . By matching each of these surviving elements to a distinct prime in and choosing congruence classes appropriately, we thus find congruence classes for which cover all of the integers in . In the language of Definition 1, we thus have

and Equation 1.1 follows from Equation 3.1.

Remark 1.

One can replace the appeal to de Bruijn’s theorem here by the simpler bounds of Rankin Reference 40, Lemma II, if one makes the very minor change of increasing the in the denominator of Equation 3.2 to , and also makes similar numerical changes to later parts of the argument.

It remains to establish Theorem 2. This is the objective of the remaining sections of the paper.

4. Efficient hypergraph covering

In the previous section we reduced matters to obtaining residue classes , such that the sifted set is small. In this section we use a hypergraph covering theorem, generalizing a result of Pippenger and Spencer Reference 37, to reduce the task to that of finding residue classes that have large intersections with .

4.1. Heuristic discussion

Consider the following general combinatorial problem. Let be a collection of (non-empty) hypergraphs on a fixed finite vertex set indexed by some finite index set . In other words, and are finite sets, and for each , is a (non-empty) collection of subsets of . The problem is then to select a single edge from each set in such a way that the union covers as much of the vertex set as possible. (In the context considered in Reference 37, one considers choosing many edges from a single hypergraph , which in our context would correspond to the special case when was independent of .) One should think of the set as a sifted version of , with each representing one step of the sieve.

One simple way to make this selection is a random one: one chooses a random edge uniformly at random from , independently in . In that case, the probability that a given vertex survives the sifting (that is, it avoids the random union ) is equal to

In applications, the index set is large and the probabilities are small, in which case the above expression may be well approximated by

where we define the normalized degree of to be the quantity

If we make the informal uniformity assumption


One has for all (or almost all) vertices ,

we thus expect the sifted set to have density approximately .

Can one do better than this? Choosing the independently is somewhat inefficient because it allows different random edges to collide with each other. If we could somehow modify the coupling between the so that they were always disjoint, then the probability that a given vertex survives the sieve would now become

This suggests that one could in principle lower the density of the sifted set from to (or , since the density clearly cannot be negative), and in particular to sift out almost completely as soon as exceeds .

Suppose for the moment that such an optimal level of sieve efficiency is possible, and return briefly to consideration of Theorem 2. We set the vertex set equal to for some suitable choice of . If we set

for some small (in accordance with Equation 3.1), then standard probabilistic heuristics (together with Mertens’ theorem and Equation 3.1, Equation 3.3) suggest that should have cardinality about

so in particular this set is roughly times larger than . In later sections, we will use the multidimensional sieve from Reference 35, Reference 34 to locate for most primes in a large number of residue classes that each intersect in roughly elements on the average. If we let be the set of all such intersections , then the task of making small is essentially the same as making the sifted set small, for some suitable edges drawn from . By double counting, the expected density here should be roughly

and so one should be able to sieve out more or less completely once is small enough if one had optimal sieving. In contrast, if one used independent sieving, one would expect the cardinality of to be something like , which would only be acceptable if was slightly smaller than . This loss of ultimately leads to the loss of in Equation 1.4 as compared against Theorem 1.

It is thus desirable to obtain a general combinatorial tool for achieving near-optimal sieve efficiency for various collections of hypergraphs. The result of Pippenger and Spencer Reference 37 (extending previous results of Rödl Reference 42 and Frankl and Rödl Reference 17, as well as unpublished work of Pippenger) asserts, very roughly speaking, that one can almost attain this optimal efficiency under some further assumptions beyond (i), which we state informally as follows:


The hypergraphs do not depend on .


The normalized codegrees for are small.


The edges of are of constant size, and thus there is a such that for all and all .

The argument is based on the Rödl nibble from Reference 42, which is a variant of the semi-random method from Reference 1. Roughly speaking, the idea is to break up the index set into smaller pieces . For the first , we perform a “nibble” by selecting the for uniformly and independently. For the next nibble at , we restrict (or condition) the for to avoid the edges arising in the first nibble, and then select for independently at random using this conditioned distribution. We continue performing nibbles at (restricting the edges at each nibble to be disjoint from the edges of previous nibbles) until the index set is exhausted. Intuitively, this procedure enjoys better disjointness properties than the completely independent selection scheme, but it is harder to analyze the probability of success. To achieve the latter task, Pippenger and Spencer rely heavily on the four hypotheses (i)–(iv).

In our context, hypothesis (iii) is easily satisfied, and (i) can also be established. Hypothesis (ii) is not satisfied (the vary in ), but it turns out that the argument of Pippenger and Spencer can easily be written in such a way that this hypothesis may be discarded. But it is the failure of hypothesis (iv) which is the most severe difficulty: the size of the sets can fluctuate quite widely for different choices of or . This creates an undesirable bias in the iterative nibbling process: with each nibble, larger edges have a reduced chance of survival compared with smaller edges, simply because they have more elements that could potentially intersect previous nibbles. Given that one expects the larger edges to be the most useful for the purposes of efficient sieving, this bias is a significant problem. One could try to rectify the issue by partitioning the edge sets depending on the cardinality of the edges, and working on one partition at a time, but this seriously impacts hypothesis (i) in a manner that we were not able to handle.

Our resolution to this problem is to modify the iterative step of the nibbling process by reweighting the probability distribution of the at each step to cancel out the bias incurred by conditioning an edge to be disjoint from previous nibbles. It turns out that there is a natural choice of reweighting for this task even when the normalized degrees vary in . As a consequence, we can obtain a version of the Pippenger-Spencer theorem in which hypothesis (ii) is essentially eliminated and (i), (iv) significantly weakened, leaving only (iii) as the main hypothesis. We remark that a somewhat similar relaxation of hypotheses (i)–(iv) was obtained by Kahn in Reference 29, although the statement in Reference 29 is not exactly in a form convenient for our applications here.

4.2. Statement of covering theorem

We now rigorously state the hypergraph covering theorem that we will use. In order to apply this theorem for our application, we will need a probabilistic formulation of this theorem which does not, at first glance, bear much resemblance to the combinatorial formulation appearing in Reference 37; we will discuss the connections between these formulations shortly. We will also phrase the theorem in a completely quantitative fashion, avoiding the use of asymptotic notation; this will be convenient for the purposes of proving the theorem via induction (on the number of “nibbles”).

Theorem 3 (Probabilistic covering).

There exists a constant such that the following holds. Let , , and let be an integer. Let satisfy the smallness bound

Let be disjoint finite non-empty sets, and let be a finite set. For each and , let be a random finite subset of . Assume the following:

(Edges not too large) With probability 1, we have for all and all

(Each sieve step is sparse) For all , , and ,

(Very small codegrees) For every , and distinct ,

(Degree bound) If for every and we introduce the normalized degrees

and then recursively define the quantities for and by setting


for and , then we have


Then we can find random variables for each with the following properties:


For each , the essential support of is contained in the essential support of , union the empty set singleton . In other words, almost surely either is empty or is a set that also attains with positive probability.


For any and any finite subset of with , one has


We prove this theorem in Section 5. It is likely that the smallness condition Equation 4.1 can be relaxed, for instance by modifying the techniques from Reference 45. However, this would not lead to any significant improvement in the final bound on in Theorem 1, as in our application the condition Equation 4.1 is already satisfied with some room to spare. The parameter does not appear explicitly in the smallness requirement Equation 4.1, but is implicit in that requirement since the conclusion is trivially true unless .

One may deduce special cases of this theorem which are close to the original hypergraph covering lemma of Pippenger and Spencer. These were included in an earlier draft of this paper (as Corollaries 2 and 3), and will now be described in a future, separate paper.

4.3. Applying the covering theorem

We now specialize Theorem 3 to a situation relevant for the application to large prime gaps, given by Corollary 4. Very roughly, this states that if we have a large collection of random subsets of a set , then there is a realization of these random variables which covers almost all of , provided the subsets are suitably “uniform” and all elements of are covered more than once on average. Clearly we cannot hope to cover unless almost all elements are covered at least once on average, and similarly if the subsets are too highly correlated, then one can easily produce examples where will not be covered. Thus some form of both of these assumptions is necessary. For our application to prime gaps, the random sets will be all elements of in a randomly chosen residue class (which will be produced by the multidimensional sieve in the later sections).

Corollary 4.

Let . Let , be sets with and . For each , let be a random subset of satisfying the size bound

Assume the following:

(Sparsity) For all and ,

(Small codegrees) For any distinct ,

(Elements covered more than once in expectation) For all but at most elements , we have

for some quantity , independent of , satisfying

Then for any positive integer with

we can find random sets for each such that is either empty or a subset of which attains with positive probability, and that

with probability . More generally, for any with cardinality at least , one has

with probability . The decay rates in the and notation are uniform in , , .

Remarks. For the arguments in this paper, we only need the case , but the more general situation will be of use in the sequel Reference 15 of this paper when we consider chains of large gaps.

From Equation 4.13 and Equation 4.15, it follows that .


It suffices to establish the claim for sufficiently large, as the claim is trivial for bounded . The number of exceptional elements of that fail Equation 4.15 is , thanks to Equation 4.17. Thus we may discard these elements from and assume that Equation 4.15 holds for all and deduce the conclusions of the corollary with the modified set .

By Equation 4.16, we may find disjoint intervals in with length

for . Let be a tuple of elements of drawn uniformly and independently at random for each (independently of the ), and define the random sets

for . These sets are clearly disjoint.

We will verify (for a suitable choice of ) the hypotheses of Theorem 3 with the indicated sets and random variables , and with suitable choices of parameters , , and .


and observe from Equation 4.13 and that one has

for all , , and . Clearly the small codegree condition Equation 4.14 implies that

Let , , and consider the independent random variables , where

By Equation 4.15, Equation 4.16, and Equation 4.18, for every and every ,

By Equation 4.13, we have for all , and hence by Hoeffding’s inequality (Lemma 2.2),

By the upper bound on , there is a deterministic choice of (and hence ) such that for every and every , we have

We fix this choice (so that the are now deterministic), and we conclude that

uniformly for all , and all .

Inserting Equation 4.22 into the definition Equation 4.5 of and using the bound Equation 4.17 on , we now have

for all and . A routine induction using Equation 4.6, Equation 4.7 then shows (for sufficiently large) that

and hence that

where . In particular we have

for some , and


We now set

By our bounds on Equation 4.17 and Equation 4.12,

and so

By Equation 4.17 and Equation 4.19, we see that

and so Equation 4.1 is satisfied is large enough (note that ). Thus all the hypotheses of Theorem 3 have been verified for this choice of parameters (note that , and are independent of , ).

Applying Theorem 3 (with ) and using Equation 4.23, one thus obtains random variables for whose essential range is contained in the essential range of together with , such that

for all , and

for all distinct .

Set for . Let be as in the corollary, and consider the random variable

Using Equation 4.24 and Equation 4.25, we obtain


(here we use Equation 4.17 and the mild bound ), and so from Lemma 2.1 we have

with probability , as required.

In view of the above corollary, we may now reduce Theorem 2 to the following claim.

Theorem 4 (Random construction).

Let be a sufficiently large real number and define by Equation 3.1. Then there is a quantity with

with the implied constants independent of , a tuple of positive integers with , and some way to choose random vectors and of congruence classes and integers , respectively, obeying the following:

For every in the essential range of , one has

where .

With probability we have that

Call an element in the essential range of good if, for all but at most elements , one has

Then is good with probability .

We now show why Theorem 4 implies Theorem 2. By Equation 4.26, we may choose small enough so that Equation 4.16 holds. Take

Now let and be the random vectors guaranteed by Theorem 4. Suppose that we are in the probability event that takes a value which is good and such that Equation 4.28 holds. Fix some within this event. We may apply Corollary 4 with and for the random variables conditioned to . A few hypotheses of the corollary must be verified. First, Equation 4.15 follows from Equation 4.29. The small codegree condition Equation 4.14 is also quickly checked. Indeed, for distinct , if , then . But is a nonzero integer of size at most and is thus divisible by at most one prime . Hence

the sum on the left side being zero if does not exist. By Corollary 4, there exist random variables , whose essential range is contained in the essential range of together with , and satisfying

with probability , where we have used Equation 4.28. Since for some random integer , it follows that

with probability . Taking a specific for which this relation holds and setting for all concludes the proof of the claim Equation 3.6 and establishes Theorem 2.

It remains to establish Theorem 4. This will be achieved in later sections.

5. Proof of the covering theorem

We now prove Theorem 3. Let be a sufficiently large absolute constant.

We induct on . The case is vacuous, so suppose that and that the claim has already been proven for . Let be as in the theorem. By the induction hypothesis, we can already find random variables for obeying the conclusions (a), (b) of the theorem for . In particular, we may form the partially sifted set

and we have

whenever has cardinality .

Our task is then to construct random variables for , possibly coupled with existing random variables such as , whose essential range is contained in that of together with the empty set, and such that

for all finite subsets of with . Note that we may assume that , as the claim Equation 4.10 is trivial otherwise. In particular we have

From Equation 4.9, Equation 4.11 we note that

whenever and all . In particular, by Equation 5.4 and Equation 4.2, whenever is in the essential range of , we have

For future reference, we observe that from Equation 5.3 and Equation 4.1, we have

For each , and every in the essential range of , define the normalization factor

We will see shortly, and this is crucial to our argument, that concentrates to 1. With this in mind, we let be the event that

Very small values of , in particular sets with , are problematic for us and must be avoided. Fortunately, this occurs with very small probability.

We now define the random variables for . If fails, we set . Otherwise, if holds, then after conditioning on a fixed value of , we choose from the essential range of using the conditional probability distribution

for all in the essential range of , and we also require that the are conditionally jointly independent for on each event . Note from Equation 5.7 that Equation 5.9 defines a probability distribution, and so the are well defined as random variables. Informally, is conditioned to the event , and then reweighted by to compensate for the bias caused by this conditioning.

Lemma 5.1.

We have


By Lemma 2.1, it suffices to show that


We begin with Equation 5.10. Let be in the essential range of . From Equation 4.2 and Equation 5.3 we have

and thus by Equation 5.7 and Equation 5.1, we have

Now we show Equation 5.11. Let and be in the essential range of . From Equation 4.2, Equation 5.3 we have

from Equation 4.11 we have

and thus by Equation 5.7 and Equation 5.1 we have

The denominator is 1 if , and is at least otherwise, thanks to Equation 5.5. Thus, by Equation 4.2, Equation 4.3 and a union bound,

and the claim Equation 5.11 follows from Equation 5.6.

It remains to verify Equation 5.2. Let be a fixed subset of with

For any in the essential range of , let denote the quantity

From Equation 4.7, Equation 4.11, Equation 2.1, our task is now to show that

Clearly is non-zero only when . From Equation 5.1 we have

so it will suffice to show that

From Equation 4.8, Equation 5.12, and Equation 4.1, we have

so it suffices to show that

Suppose that is in the essential range of with . As the , , are jointly conditionally independent on the event , we may factor as

Since if fails, we may write

Now suppose that and that is such that holds. From the union bound we have

From Equation 5.9, Equation 5.8, and Equation 5.5, we have

and hence by Equation 4.3, Equation 5.12

From Taylor’s expansion, we then have

From Equation 5.6, we have , and so

Next, we apply inclusion-exclusion to write

The error term is handled by summing Equation 5.9 over all with , and using Equation 5.8 and Equation 5.5. For distinct , we have

Hence by Equation 4.4, Equation 5.12

From Equation 5.6, we have , and so

Also we trivially have . Thus, to prove Equation 5.14, it suffices to show that

with probability , conditionally on the event that . From Equation 5.12, Equation 5.6, and the union bound, it thus suffices to show that for each , one has

with probability , conditionally on the event that .

We have

and, by Equation 5.8,

Upon inserting Equation 5.16 and Equation 5.17 into Equation 5.15, the left side of Equation 5.15 breaks into two pieces, a “main term” and an “error term.”

Let us first estimate the error

By Equation 5.5 and Equation 4.5, we may bound this by

By Lemma 5.1, the unconditional expectation of this random variable is

Thus, by Equation 5.13, the conditional expectation of this random variable to the event is

Here we used Equation 4.8, Equation 5.5, and Equation 5.3 to obtain the second bound. By Equation 5.6, this can be bounded by

Thus, by Markov’s inequality, this error is with probability , conditionally on . By the triangle inequality, it thus suffices to show that the main term satisfies

with probability , conditionally on .

By a conditional version of Lemma 2.1 (replacing and with and , respectively), together with Equation 4.8, Equation 4.1, it suffices to show that


We begin with Equation 5.18. For any given , we have from Equation 5.1, Equation 5.3 that

By Equation 4.11, we can rewrite

By Equation 2.1, we may thus write the left-hand side of Equation 5.18 as

As in the proof of Lemma 5.1, equals 1 unless and have a common element, in which case it is by Equation 5.5. Thus

From Equation 4.5 one has

and from Equation 4.4 one has

for all . Therefore, by Equation 5.12, the left side of Equation 5.18 is

The claim now follows from Equation 5.6 and Equation 4.8.

Now we prove Equation 5.19. For any , we have from Equation 5.1, Equation 5.3 that

so we are reduced (after applying Equation 4.8, Equation 5.6) to showing that

The quantity is equal to when the intersection of any two of , and is , and is otherwise thanks to Equation 5.5. Hence we may estimate this ratio by

From Equation 4.5 one has

so from Equation 5.6 it suffices to show that

For Equation 5.20, we use Equation 4.5 to write the left-hand side as

which by Equation 4.8, Equation 5.12, Equation 4.4 is bounded by , as desired, as well as similarly for Equation 5.21. For Equation 5.22, we take expectations in first using Equation 2.1, Equation 4.4 to upper bound the left-hand side of Equation 5.22 by

which by Equation 4.2, Equation 4.5, Equation 4.8 is bounded by , as desired. This proves Equation 5.19, which implies Equation 5.15 and in turn Equation 5.14. The proof of Theorem 3 is now complete.

6. Using a sieve weight

If is a natural number, an admissible -tuple is a tuple of distinct integers that do not cover all residue classes modulo , for any prime . For instance, the tuple consisting of the first primes larger than is an admissible -tuple.

We will establish Theorem 4 by a probabilistic argument involving a certain weight function, the details of which may be found in the following.

Theorem 5 (Existence of good sieve weight).

Let be a sufficiently large real number and let be defined by Equation 3.1. Let be defined by Equation 3.4, Equation 3.5. Let be a positive integer with

for some sufficiently large absolute constant , and let be an admissible -tuple contained in . Then one can find a positive quantity

and a positive quantity depending only on with

and a non-negative function supported on with the following properties:

Uniformly for every , one has

Uniformly for every and , one has

Uniformly for every that is not equal to any of the , one has

Uniformly for all and ,

Remark 2.

One should think of as being a smoothed out indicator function for the event that are all almost primes in . As essentially discovered in Reference 33, by choosing the smoothing correctly, one can ensure that approximately of the elements of this tuple are genuinely prime rather than almost prime, when weighted by ; this explains the presence of the bounds Equation 6.3. The estimate Equation 6.6 is not, strictly speaking, needed for our current argument; however, it is easily obtained by our methods, and will be of use in a follow-up work Reference 15 to this paper in which the analogue of Theorem 1 for chains of large gaps is established.

The proof of this theorem will rely on the estimates for multidimensional prime-detecting sieves established by the fourth author in Reference 34, and will be the focus of subsequent sections. In this section, we show how Theorem 5 implies Theorem 4.

Let be as in Theorem 4. We set to be the maximum value permitted by Theorem 5, namely

and let be the admissible -tuple consisting of the first primes larger than ; thus for . From the prime number theorem we have for , and so we have for if is large enough (there are many other choices possible, e.g. ). We now invoke Theorem 5 to obtain quantities and a weight with the stated properties.

For each , let denote the random integer with probability density

for all (we will not need to impose any independence conditions on the ). From Equation 6.4, Equation 6.5 we have

Also, from Equation 6.4, Equation 6.7, Equation 6.2, and Equation 3.1, one has

for all and .

We choose the random vector by selecting each uniformly at random from , independently in and independently of the . The resulting sifted set is a random periodic subset of with density

From the prime number theorem (with sufficiently strong error term), Equation 3.2, and Equation 3.3,

so in particular we see from Equation 3.1 that

We also see from Equation 6.8 that

We have a useful correlation bound.

Lemma 6.1.

Let be a natural number, and let be distinct integers with for each . Then one has


For each , the integers occupy distinct residue classes modulo , unless divides one of for . Since and , the latter possibility occurs at most times. Thus the probability that avoids all of the is equal to except for values of , where it is instead . Thus,

Among other things, this gives the claim Equation 4.28.

Corollary 5.

With probability , we have


From Lemma 6.1, we have


and so by the prime number theorem we see that the random variable has mean and variance . The claim then follows from Lemma 2.1 (with plenty of room to spare).

For each , we consider the quantity

and let denote the set of all the primes such that

In light of Lemma 6.1, we expect most primes in to lie in , and this will be confirmed below (Lemma 6.3). We now define the random variables as follows. Suppose we are in the event for some in the range of . If , we set . Otherwise, if , we define to be the random integer with conditional probability distribution

with the () jointly independent, conditionally on the event . From Equation 6.14 we see that these random variables are well defined.

The first claim Equation 4.27 of Theorem 4 now follows immediately from Equation 6.10, Equation 6.16, and Equation 6.15, and so we are left to establish the final two assertions.

Lemma 6.2.

With probability , we have

for all but at most of the primes .

Let be good (recall the definition from Theorem 4) and . Substituting definition Equation 6.16 into the left-hand side of Equation 6.17, using Equation 6.15, and observing that is possible only if (since for ), we find that

where is as defined in Theorem 4. Relation Equation 4.29 (that is, is good with probability ) follows upon noting that by Equation 6.8, Equation 6.3, and Equation 6.11,

Before proving Lemma 6.2, we first confirm that is small with high probability.

Lemma 6.3.

With probability , contains all but of the primes . In particular, .


By linearity of expectation and Markov’s inequality, it suffices to show that for each , we have with probability . By Lemma 2.1, it suffices to show that


where are independent copies of that are also independent of .

The claim Equation 6.18 follows from Lemma 6.1 (performing the conditional expectation over first). A similar application of Lemma 6.1 allows one to write the left-hand side of Equation 6.19 as

From Equation 6.10 we see that the quantity is equal to with probability and is less than otherwise. The claim now follows from Equation 6.12.

Proof of Lemma 6.2.

We first show that replacing with has a negligible effect on the sum, with probability . Fix and substitute . By Markov’s inequality, it suffices to show that

By Lemma 6.1, we have

Next, by Equation 6.15 and Lemma 6.3 we have

subtracting, we conclude that the left-hand side of Equation 6.20 is . The claim then follows from Equation 3.1 and Equation 6.1.

By Equation 6.20, it suffices to show that with probability , for all but at most primes , one has

Call a prime bad if but Equation 6.21 fails. Using Lemma 6.1 and Equation 6.9, we have


where and are independent copies of over . In the last step we used the fact that the terms with contribute negligibly.

By Lemma 2.1 it follows that the number of bad is with probability . This concludes the proof.

It remains to establish Theorem 5. This is the objective of the remaining sections of the paper.

7. Multidimensional sieve estimates

We now recall a technical multidimensional sieve estimate from Reference 34 (a minor variant of Reference 34, Proposition 6.1). In this section we will follow the notation from Reference 34, which is a little different from that in the rest of this paper, with the exception that we will take the set denoted in that paper to be equal to the set of all primes from the outset.

A linear form will be a function of the form with integer coefficients , and . Let be a set of integers. Given a linear form , we define the sets

for any and congruence class , and define the quantity

where is the Euler totient function. We recall the standard bounds

since is smallest when is composed only of primes . Thanks to this bound, most factors of the form appearing below become relatively harmless, and we recommend that they may be ignored for a first reading.

A finite set of linear forms is said to be admissible if has no fixed prime divisor; that is, for every prime there exists an integer such that is not divisible by .

Definition 2 (Reference 34).

Let be a large quantity, let be a set of integers, let be a finite set of linear forms, and let be a natural number. We allow to vary with . Let be a quantity independent of . Let be a subset of . We say that the tuple obeys Hypothesis 1 at if we have the following three estimates:


( is well distributed in arithmetic progressions) We have


( is well distributed in arithmetic progressions) For any , we have


( not too concentrated) For any and we have

In Reference 34 this definition was only given in the case , but we will need the (mild) generalization to the case in which is a (possibly empty) subset of .

As is common in analytic number theory, we will have to address the possibility of an exceptional Siegel zero. As we want to keep all our estimates effective, we will not rely on Siegel’s theorem or its consequences (such as the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem). Instead, we will rely on the Landau-Page theorem, which we now recall. Throughout, denotes a Dirichlet character.

Lemma 7.1 (Landau-Page theorem).

Let . Suppose that for some primitive character of modulus at most , and some . Then either

or else and is a quadratic character , which is unique. Furthermore, if exists, then its conductor is square-free apart from a factor of at most and obeys the lower bound


See e.g. Reference 9, Chapter 14. The final estimate follows from the bound for a real zero of with of modulus , which can also be found in Reference 9, Chapter 14.

We can then eliminate the exceptional character by deleting at most one prime factor of —an idea used previously by Hildebrand and Maier Reference 27.

Corollary 6.

Let . Then there exists a quantity which either is equal to or is a prime of size

with the property that

whenever and is a character of modulus at most and coprime to .


If the exceptional character from Lemma 7.1 does not exist, then take ; otherwise we take to be the largest prime factor of . As is square-free apart from a factor of at most , we have by the prime number theorem, and the claim follows.

We will only need the above definition in the following special case.

Lemma 7.2.

Let be a large quantity. Then there exists a natural number , which is either or a prime, such that the following holds. Let , let , and let be a finite set of linear forms (which may depend on ) with , , and . Let , and let be a subset of such that is non-negative on and is coprime to for all . Then obeys Hypothesis 1 at with absolute implied constants (i.e. the bounds in Hypothesis 1 are uniform over all such choices of and ).


Parts (1) and (3) of Hypothesis 1 are easy; the only difficult verification is (2). We apply Corollary 6 with for some small absolute constant to obtain a quantity with the stated properties. By the Landau-Page theorem (see Reference 9, Chapter 20), we have that if is sufficiently small, then we have the effective bound

for all with and all . Here the summation is over all primitive and . Following a standard proof of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem (see Reference 9, Chapter 28, for example), we have (for a suitable constant )

Combining these two statements and using the triangle inequality gives the bound required for (2).

We now recall the construction of sieve weights from Reference 34, Section 7. On first reading we recommend the reader not pay too much attention to the details; the key point is the existence of a weight which will establish Theorem 5. The reason it is necessary to know the construction is the technical issue that the weights depend on a given admissible set of linear forms, and we require that the final estimates obtained are essentially uniform over similar admissible sets.

Let . For each prime not dividing , let be the elements of for which . If is also coprime to , then for each , let denote the least element of such that .

Let denote the set

Define the singular series


define the function

and let be a quantity of size

Let be a smooth function supported on the simplex

For any define

For any , define

and then define the function by

We note that the restriction of the support of to means that and are supported on the set

We then have the following result, a slightly modified form of Proposition 6.1 from Reference 34.

Theorem 6.

Fix . Then there exists a constant depending only on such that the following holds. Suppose that obeys Hypothesis 1 at some subset of . Write , and suppose that , , and . Moreover, assume that the coefficients of the linear forms in obey the size bound for all . Then there exists a smooth function depending only on and supported on the simplex , and quantities depending only on with


such that, for given in terms of as above, the following assertions hold uniformly for :

We have

For any linear form in with coprime to and on , we have

Let be a linear form such that the discriminant

is non-zero (in particular is not in ). Then

We have the crude upper bound

for all .

Here all implied constants depend only on and the implied constants in the bounds of Hypothesis 1.


The first estimate Equation 7.6 is given by Reference 34, Proposition 9.1, Equation 7.7 follows from Reference 34, Proposition 9.2 in the case , Equation 7.8 is given by Reference 34, Proposition 9.4 (taking and ), and the final statement Equation 7.9 is given by part (iii) of Reference 34, Lemma 8.5. The bounds for and are given by Reference 34, Lemma 8.6.

We remark that the estimate Equation 7.8 is only needed here to establish the estimate Equation 6.6 which is not, strictly speaking, necessary for the results of this paper, but will be useful in a subsequent work Reference 15 based on this paper.

8. Verification of sieve estimates

We can now prove Theorem 5. Let be as in that theorem.

We set

and let be the quantity from Lemma 7.2.

We define the function by setting

for and , where is the (ordered) collection of linear forms for , and was defined in Equation 7.4. Note that the admissibility of the -tuple implies the admissibility of the linear forms .

A key point is that many of the important components of are essentially uniform in . Indeed, for any prime , the polynomial is divisible by only at the residue classes . From this we see that

In particular, is independent of as long as is distinct from , so

for some , independent of , with the error terms uniform in . Moreover, if , then , so all the are distinct (since the are less than ). Therefore, if we have and

Since all are at least , we have whenever . From this we see that is independent of , and so we have

for some independent of , and where the error term is independent of .

It is clear that is non-negative and supported on , and from Equation 7.9 we have Equation 6.7. We set


Since is either or prime, we have

and from the definition of we also have

From Equation 7.5 we thus obtain Equation 6.3. From Reference 34, Lemma 8.1(i) we have

and from Reference 34, Lemma 8.6 we have

and so we have the lower bound Equation 6.2. (In fact, we also have a matching upper bound , but we will not need this.)

It remains to verify the estimates Equation 6.4, Equation 6.5, and Equation 6.6. We begin with Equation 6.4. Let be an element of . We shift the variable by and rewrite

where denotes the set of linear forms for . This set of linear forms remains admissible, and

The claim Equation 6.4 now follows from Equation 8.2 and the first conclusion Equation 7.6 of Theorem 6 (with replaced by , , and ), using Lemma 7.2 to obtain Hypothesis 1.

Now we prove Equation 6.5. Fix and . We introduce the set of linear forms , where


We claim that this set of linear forms is admissible. Indeed, for any prime , the solutions of

are and for , the number of which is equal to . Thus,

as before. Again, for we have that the are distinct , and so if and , we have and

In particular, is independent of , and so

where again the error is independent of . From this, since takes values in , we have that

whenever (note that the summation variable implicit on both sides of this equation is necessarily equal to ). Thus, recalling that , we can write the left-hand side of Equation 6.5 as

Applying the second conclusion Equation 7.7 of Theorem 6 (with replaced by , , and ) and using Lemma 7.2 to obtain Hypothesis 1, this expression becomes

Clearly , and from the prime number theorem one has

for any fixed . Using Equation 8.2, Equation 8.3, we can thus write the left-hand side of Equation 6.5 as

From Equation 6.1, Equation 6.3, the second error term may be absorbed into the first, and Equation 6.5 follows.

Finally, we prove Equation 6.6. Fix not equal to any of the , and fix . By the prime number theorem, it suffices to show that

By construction, the left-hand side is the same as

which we can shift as

Applying Equation 7.8, we may then bound this by


Applying Equation 8.1, Equation 8.2, we may simplify the above upper bound as

Now for each , hence , and it follows from Equation 7.1, Equation 8.4, and Equation 6.1 that

This concludes the proof of Theorem 5, and hence Theorem 1.


The research of the third author was partially performed while he was visiting the first author at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. The research of the first and third authors was also carried out in part at the University of Chicago. The first and third authors are thankful to Prof. Wilhelm Schlag for hosting these visits. The first author also thanks the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for the hospitality.

Also, the research of the third and the fifth authors was partially performed while the third author was visiting the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA, which is supported by the National Science Foundation.

The research of the fourth author was conducted partly while he was a CRM-ISM postdoctoral fellow at the Université de Montréal, and partly while he was a Fellow by Examination at Magdalen College, Oxford. He also thanks Andrew Granville and Daniel Fiorilli for many useful comments and suggestions. The fifth author also thanks Noga Alon and Van Vu for help with the references.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1 (Large prime gaps).

For any sufficiently large , one has

The implied constant is effective.

Definition 1.

Let be a positive integer. Define to be the largest integer for which one may select residue classes , one for each prime , which together “sieve out” (cover) the whole interval . Equivalently, is the largest integer so that there are consecutive integers, each with a factor in common with .

Lemma 1.1.

Write for the product of the primes less than or equal to . Then

Equation (1.1)
Equation (1.2)
Equation (1.3)
Equation (1.4)
Equation (2.1)
Equation (2.3)
Lemma 2.1.

Suppose that for some and we have

Then, for any we have

Lemma 2.2.

Let be independent random variables with and almost surely for each . Then, for any real ,

Equation (3.1)
Equation (3.2)
Equations (3.3), (3.4), (3.5)
Theorem 2 (Sieving primes).

Let be sufficiently large, and suppose that obeys Equation 3.1. Then there are vectors and , such that

Theorem 3 (Probabilistic covering).

There exists a constant such that the following holds. Let , , and let be an integer. Let satisfy the smallness bound

Let be disjoint finite non-empty sets, and let be a finite set. For each and , let be a random finite subset of . Assume the following:

(Edges not too large) With probability 1, we have for all and all

(Each sieve step is sparse) For all , , and ,

(Very small codegrees) For every , and distinct ,

(Degree bound) If for every and we introduce the normalized degrees

and then recursively define the quantities for and by setting


for and , then we have


Then we can find random variables for each with the following properties:


For each , the essential support of is contained in the essential support of , union the empty set singleton . In other words, almost surely either is empty or is a set that also attains with positive probability.


For any and any finite subset of with , one has


Corollary 4.

Let . Let , be sets with and . For each , let be a random subset of satisfying the size bound

Assume the following:

(Sparsity) For all and ,

(Small codegrees) For any distinct ,

(Elements covered more than once in expectation) For all but at most elements , we have

for some quantity , independent of , satisfying

Then for any positive integer with

we can find random sets for each such that is either empty or a subset of which attains with positive probability, and that

with probability . More generally, for any with cardinality at least , one has

with probability . The decay rates in the and notation are uniform in , , .

Equation (4.18)
Equation (4.19)
Equation (4.22)
Equation (4.23)
Equation (4.24)
Equation (4.25)
Theorem 4 (Random construction).

Let be a sufficiently large real number and define by Equation 3.1. Then there is a quantity with

with the implied constants independent of , a tuple of positive integers with , and some way to choose random vectors and of congruence classes and integers , respectively, obeying the following:

For every in the essential range of , one has

where .

With probability we have that

Call an element in the essential range of good if, for all but at most elements , one has

Then is good with probability .

Equation (5.1)
Equation (5.2)
Equation (5.3)
Equation (5.4)
Equation (5.5)
Equation (5.6)
Equation (5.7)
Equation (5.8)
Equation (5.9)
Lemma 5.1.

We have

Equation (5.10)
Equation (5.11)
Equation (5.12)
Equation (5.13)
Equation (5.14)
Equation (5.15)
Equation (5.16)
Equation (5.17)
Equation (5.18)
Equation (5.19)
Equations (5.20), (5.21), (5.22)
Theorem 5 (Existence of good sieve weight).

Let be a sufficiently large real number and let be defined by Equation 3.1. Let be defined by Equation 3.4, Equation 3.5. Let be a positive integer with

for some sufficiently large absolute constant , and let be an admissible -tuple contained in . Then one can find a positive quantity

and a positive quantity depending only on with

and a non-negative function supported on with the following properties:

Uniformly for every , one has

Uniformly for every and , one has

Uniformly for every that is not equal to any of the , one has

Uniformly for all and ,

Equation (6.8)
Equation (6.9)
Equation (6.10)
Equation (6.11)
Equation (6.12)
Lemma 6.1.

Let be a natural number, and let be distinct integers with for each . Then one has

Equation (6.14)
Equation (6.15)
Equation (6.16)
Lemma 6.2.

With probability , we have

for all but at most of the primes .

Lemma 6.3.

With probability , contains all but of the primes . In particular, .

Equation (6.18)
Equation (6.19)
Equation (6.20)
Equation (6.21)
Equation (7.1)
Lemma 7.1 (Landau-Page theorem).

Let . Suppose that for some primitive character of modulus at most , and some . Then either

or else and is a quadratic character , which is unique. Furthermore, if exists, then its conductor is square-free apart from a factor of at most and obeys the lower bound

Corollary 6.

Let . Then there exists a quantity which either is equal to or is a prime of size

with the property that

whenever and is a character of modulus at most and coprime to .

Lemma 7.2.

Let be a large quantity. Then there exists a natural number , which is either or a prime, such that the following holds. Let , let , and let be a finite set of linear forms (which may depend on ) with , , and . Let , and let be a subset of such that is non-negative on and is coprime to for all . Then obeys Hypothesis 1 at with absolute implied constants (i.e. the bounds in Hypothesis 1 are uniform over all such choices of and ).

Equation (7.4)
Theorem 6.

Fix . Then there exists a constant depending only on such that the following holds. Suppose that obeys Hypothesis 1 at some subset of . Write , and suppose that , , and . Moreover, assume that the coefficients of the linear forms in obey the size bound for all . Then there exists a smooth function depending only on and supported on the simplex , and quantities depending only on with


such that, for given in terms of as above, the following assertions hold uniformly for :

We have

For any linear form in with coprime to and on , we have

Let be a linear form such that the discriminant

is non-zero (in particular is not in ). Then

We have the crude upper bound

for all .

Here all implied constants depend only on and the implied constants in the bounds of Hypothesis 1.

Equation (8.1)
Equation (8.2)
Equation (8.3)
Equation (8.4)


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 11N05 (Distribution of primes)
Secondary: 11N36 (Applications of sieve methods), 05C65 (Hypergraphs), 05C70 (Factorization, matching, partitioning, covering and packing)
Author Information
Kevin Ford
Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1409 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801
Ben Green
Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG, United Kingdom
Sergei Konyagin
Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkin Street, Moscow, 119991, Russia
James Maynard
Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG, United Kingdom
Terence Tao
Department of Mathematics, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90095
Additional Notes

The first author was supported by NSF grants DMS-1201442 and DMS-1501982.

The second author was supported by ERC Starting Grant 279438, Approximate algebraic structure, and by a Simons Investigator grant.

The fifth author was supported by a Simons Investigator grant, by the James and Carol Collins Chair, by the Mathematical Analysis & Application Research Fund Endowment, and by NSF grant DMS-1266164.

Journal Information
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 31, Issue 1, ISSN 1088-6834, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2017 American Mathematical Society
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/jams/876
  • MathSciNet Review: 3718451
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3718451}{article}{ author={Ford, Kevin}, author={Green, Ben}, author={Konyagin, Sergei}, author={Maynard, James}, author={Tao, Terence}, title={Long gaps between primes}, journal={J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, volume={31}, number={1}, date={2018-01}, pages={65-105}, issn={0894-0347}, review={3718451}, doi={10.1090/jams/876}, }


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