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Mathematical ImageryMathematical artists create strong, stunning works in all media and explore the visualization of mathematics


Wholemovement :: Bradford Hansen-Smith

The symbol of the circle is used as metaphor for nothing and for everything, and endless parts in-between. Folding circles appears to have little history: Somewhere in the history of origami lies the circle, unrecognized and discarded in favor of the square; Buckminster Fuller also folded the circle, with informational intent. Fuller is the inspiration for my own exploration into geometry and provided the seed for folding and joining circles: 9" paper plates.
Bradford Hansen-Smith (Wholemovement)

80 Circles

You can also see many hexagonal and pentagonal shapes in this pattern. The symbol of the circle is used as metaphor for nothing and for everything, and endless parts in-between.


The symbol of the circle is used as metaphor for nothing and for everything, and endless parts in-between. Folding circles appears to have little history: Somewhere in the history of origami lies the circle, unrecognized and discarded in favor of the square.

20 Circles

An icosahedron is a solid with 20 faces. This solid has hexagons on its surface with pentagonal indentations.

36 Circles

The tetrahedron has four faces.